Indie Films




Hindi Drama

Amulya Kant is driving a car all over the Delhi NCR. While driving it, he is listening to his

conversation with a girl named Ketki. As their conversation unfolds, we realize the two met

in college, fell in love and eventually got married.

Meanwhile, in the past, Ketki meets her college friend Sharad after many years. The two

have a meetup at Lodhi Garden where they reminisce their past and the good times they

shared. Sharad expresses that he had feelings for her in college but he never told

her about


Ketki also hints at her troubled marital life while Sharad states that he has remained


As the conversation moves around in the recording, we realize that Amulya got abusive

towards Ketki after marriage. Their relationship slowly dete

riorated and the two parted


Towards the end, Sharad and Ketki leave with the latter promising to meet him again.

The film ends with Amulya getting out of his car and crying his heart out as he remembers

Ketki. He then opens the trunk of his car and we see the dead body of Sharad inside it.


Ritieka, Pankaj Zaroo, Pushpendra Rajput


Yash Singh


Manish Sharma

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